Friday, June 15, 2018

Télécharger le fichier PDF God Talks With Arjuna, by Paramahansa Yogananda

Télécharger le fichier PDF God Talks With Arjuna, by Paramahansa Yogananda

Il peut être l' une de vos premières lectures du matin God Talks With Arjuna, By Paramahansa Yogananda Ceci est un livre de fichiers souple qui peut être survécu à télécharger et installer de livres en ligne. Comme on le comprend, dans cette période d' innovation, la technologie moderne va certainement vous soulager à faire certaines tâches. Même il est simplement vérifier l'existence de la publication des données douce God Talks With Arjuna, By Paramahansa Yogananda peut être caractéristique supplémentaire pour ouvrir. Il est non seulement d'ouvrir ainsi que enregistrer dans le gizmo. Cette fois en début de matinée et aussi divers autres loisirs sont à examiner le livre God Talks With Arjuna, By Paramahansa Yogananda

God Talks With Arjuna, by Paramahansa Yogananda

God Talks With Arjuna, by Paramahansa Yogananda

God Talks With Arjuna, by Paramahansa Yogananda

Télécharger le fichier PDF God Talks With Arjuna, by Paramahansa Yogananda

Pourquoi savoir plus publications vous offrira plus de prospects pour réussir? Vous savez, beaucoup plus vous passez en revue les guides, le plus vous permettra d'acquérir les leçons extraordinaires et aussi des connaissances. Beaucoup de gens avec de nombreux livres pour compléter lire certainement agir différentes à des personnes qui ne l'aiment pas beaucoup. Pour vous présenter un point beaucoup mieux à faire tous les jours, God Talks With Arjuna, By Paramahansa Yogananda peut être choisi comme bon ami d'investir le temps de loisirs.

Comme l'un des livres qui ont été écrits, God Talks With Arjuna, By Paramahansa Yogananda sera juste différents avec la version précédente du livre. Il a les mots simples qui peuvent être lus par tous les aspects. Lorsque vous devez reconnaître encore plus sur l'auteur, vous pouvez consulter la bibliographie de l'auteur. Il vous aidera certainement faire certains au sujet de ce livre que vous allez certainement obtenir référence non seulement mais aussi en tant que source de lecture.

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God Talks With Arjuna, by Paramahansa Yogananda

Détails sur le produit

Broché: 1224 pages

Editeur : Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S.; Édition : 2nd Revised edition (1 janvier 1995)

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 9780876120316

ISBN-13: 978-0876120316

ASIN: 0876120311

Dimensions du produit:

16,5 x 2,5 x 22,2 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

5.0 étoiles sur 5

2 commentaires client

Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

458.764 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

une base a lire quand on s'intéresse de prêts à la culture indienne et du yoga !Dommage qu'il ne soit pas en Français

J'aime beaucoup cet ouvrage car l'auteur analyse rigoureusement et d'une manière détaillée chaque verset de la Gita, et il se présente en quelque sorte comme une invitation à ne pas se contenter de lire un livre sur la pratique spirituelle mais de chercher à avoir une expérience réelle du Yoga, et en particulier le Kriya Yoga que l'on peut pratiquer en contactant l'éditeur. Je pratique quant à moi le Kriya Yoga, et je pense qu'il n'y a pas de mot pour décrire les bienfaits de cette technique. Alors je vous invite moi aussi à découvrir la merveille que réprésente cette technique.

When you read the scriptures of the Jewish and Christian prophets and masters, or the Bhagavad Gita of the higher ages of the Eastern faiths, you may wish that at a seer could tell in detail the metaphorical and symbolic meanings, the science -- physical and metaphysical -- behind the mysteries. You wish for the means of proof, unfolding the harmony beyond seeming contradictions, clearing the confusions spun by dogmas from lesser ones. In essence, you want not a scholar but a supremely gifted adept to straighten out all this stuff out so that it makes sense on every level. Paramahansa Yogananda is that seer. Paired with his other epochal work, The Second Coming of Christ, this is a gift to humanity rarely witnessed by the world at large in the time of their unfolding. See for yourself.

Ever since SRF started releasing ebooks a few years ago I have been patiently waiting for them to release God Talks With Arjuna...and now that day is here. Yay! Yogananda's Gita is a mainstay in my life, but it was always a challenge traveling with the two-volume set. Now I can literally fit this 1000-page book in my pocket and I'm thrilled.I've read a lot of ebooks and oftentimes it seems like the publisher doesn't care too much about replicating the print edition, which is generally very nicely typeset etc. But SRF has gone to the nth degree to present this holy book in a most beautiful way. Thank you! Thank you!I recommend this book to anyone who wants to live more spiritually...there is truly something for everyone here.

UPDATE: As I near completion of this entire tomb of a book, I have find I need to drop it down to 2 stars. I am saddened to see so much judgement from this Yogi. Seems everyone who is not doing his type of Kriya Yoga is ignorant. Those who don't do any mediation and honors the body senses (God given though they are) is an enemy as well as being ignorant. Accordingly, to him, only those who do his style of Kriya Yoga are worth anything at all on this planet, all others are just doomed in ignorance. What a judgemental bunch of crap. He has lost what credibility I had given him. I am almost gagging as I finish the second volume. He attempts to explain why the caste system has been distorted from the explanation in the Gita, making ones family of birth the determination of what class you are in but it falls flat and doesn't make sense. His interpretation of the Gita is that one is born into a family that matches your karma, such as a lowly ignorant person reincarnates into a lowly ignorant family. Yet he also states in several other places that one is to be placed in the caste system by their individual character and NOT their birth family...but if you are born into a family that matches the caste you have earned for yourself, that means that your family would indicate your caste, yet he says it doesn't. WTF? I read his biography of a yoga and unlike many others, saw nothing saintly in him. He struck me as a egotist both in that book and this one, he talked so much about all the things he did and how wonderful they all were. I hope to find a translation of the Gita that is not so harshly judgmental, doesn't promote himself so much and that doesn't have such a strong bias for his own "product". INITIAL REVIEW: Oh my, I wanted a decent interpretation of the Gita and this is so much overboard! Very wordy, much redundancy and over the top. I got the point after the first paragraph or two and found the pages and pages for each verse to be too much. Yogananda wrote most of this apparently, but this edition wasn't published until long after his death and his followers wrote at least part of it. Due to the excessiveness of the commentary, it is difficult not to get bogged down in.

God (Arjuna's Chariot driver) speaks to Arjuna on the battlefield. But the enemy is his own ego, the battlefield within. After reading Yogananda's take on the TRUE Christian teachings ("The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You"), it was clear to me that I needed to read this.

I find very easy to study Paramahansa Yogananda's spiritual classic on Kindle format.The two tomes beautiful books are in my library, a precious work I'm happy to have, with the art illustrations and the case and so on.But in the daily study I like to have it on Kindle.Aside from the weight, notes are easier to read with the hyper-links, and the paragraphs titles, that in paper version are on the side, are conveniently set amidst the text, helping to logically divide the subjects.It's a good effort by the SRF Publisher - thank you!

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God Talks With Arjuna, by Paramahansa Yogananda PDF

God Talks With Arjuna, by Paramahansa Yogananda PDF

God Talks With Arjuna, by Paramahansa Yogananda PDF
God Talks With Arjuna, by Paramahansa Yogananda PDF


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